
One question

MilBuuket opened this issue · 0 comments

Client version: Cuberite Jenkins arm-linux-gnueabihf-raspbian -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release (master) (id: #396)
Cuberite Commit id: bc4975a
Server os: Linux

Expected behavior

Enter the server to play normally

Actual behavior

The server crashes when the client tries to ping

Steps to reproduce the behavior

View the server status in the list of client servers

Server log

[20:59:47] Verification failed: m_Out.WriteVarUTF8String(a_Value), file /home/debian/workspace/linux-armhf/src/Protocol/Packetizer.h, line 149
[20:59:47] Failure report:

:( | Cuberite has encountered an error and needs to close
| SIGABRT: Server self-terminated due to an internal fault
| Cuberite Jenkins arm-linux-gnueabihf-raspbian -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release (master) (id: #396)
| from commit bc4975a
