
Vertical scrolling after horizontal swipe on android

sphair opened this issue · 3 comments

A bug happens on Android 2.3 with horizontal swiping. You can experience it on the horizontal demo ( as well. Swipe to page two, and then scroll the page vertically. This will show the first page while scrolling! Once you stop scrolling, it displays normally again. Obviously a bug in the browser, but I have been unable to find a fix/hack.

The effect is even more prevalent on other pages with more DOM elements than the demo page.

This was tested on a Samsung Galaxy S, Samsung Galaxy S2, HTC Desire, all with Android 2.3.
It does not happen on a Galaxy Nexus Android 4.0, nor Android 2.3 emulator.

Anyone else experiencing this? It is currently a huge showstopper for our product.

I can confirm this with the inline demo using Samsung ACE with 2.3.6. I have seen a similar thing happening using Swipe, so I don't know if it can be fixed.

@sphair your show has probably stopped by now, but there is a shim at