
Request: statement of intent about the project's future

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Now that RethinkDB (the company) has closed down, many of us may be wondering about the future of related software, such as this.

I had RethinkDB and Crystal in mind for a side project, and so this would be a logical shard to use as well. If you could mention whether you're planning to give up on this now, or whether you still feel RethinkDB has a bright future and you very much intend to continue, or something in between, that would be helpful for anyone considering using this.


Sorry for the very late response for this (I missed GitHub's notification).

We actively use RethinkDB inside our company in almost all projects and we will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. We use this driver internally on some of our projects and we intend to maintain it here as an open source project and support it the best we can.

With their announcement it is no surprise that they development is very very very slow now and it will take some time until it get up to speed again with community contributions, but I'm quite confident that will eventually happen. And also, the RethinkDB in its current state is very stable and fits all our needs for now, so we have no reason to abandon it.

RX14 commented

The situation looks quite a lot rosier after today's announcement, so I hope that I'll be able to use rethinkdb+crystal for future projects.