
Centralize execution code

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While using Microcuke to write a Python implementation of Cucumber, I learned that after I had matched Mircocuke and proceeded to code further, I became uncomfortable with the spread of execution code.


  • Some of the code lives in sequential_test_case_executor.js (which contains top-level execution code)
  • Some of the code lives in test_case.js
  • Some of the code lives in test_step.js


  • The name SequentialTestCaseExecutor implies that there might be alternate executors of some type. (This is the case in Python. I’m currently using a SequentialTestCaseExecutor, but plan on writing an AsyncTestCaseExecutor in the future.)


  • TestCase and TestStep should simply store the data required for execution (but not implement it)
    • TestCase should store pickle and testSteps
    • TestStep should store gherkinLocations, matchedArgs, bodyFunction, andbodyLocation`
  • Move all execution functions/methods into the sequential_test_case_executor.js module
    • Write loosely-couple functions or classes for execution of TestCase and TestStep; this will keep all the related execution code in one place, but keep each execution-scope as a distinct piece of code


This will make it easier to create implementations from Microcuke, because:

  • Keeping all execution code in one place makes it easier to see how execution happens
  • It’s much simpler to create alternatives to SequentialTestCaseExecutor, because any executor simply has to deal with the data of TestCase and TestStep; all behavior is provided by the executor itself
  • Microcuke only cares about gherkin Scenarios (TestCase objects)
    • But Microcuke is missing many of the things handled by a full cucumber implementation (like Features, Backgrounds, and so on). That’s fine, because Microcuke is supposed to be “micro”. But Mircocuke is also supposed to be useful for growing a full-fledged cucumber implementation. Adding in things like Features, Backgrounds, etc. is much harder when the execution behavior is spread across 3 classes in 3 modules.
  • Decoupling the execution data from its behavior also simplifies testing
    • The overall program flow is: (1) scan for *.feature files and glue; (2) create Test* objects that simply contain only data; (3) pass the objects to an executor.
    • Put another way, the flow is even shorter: (1) filesystem to data (Test* objects); (2) data to executor.

If you are okay with this, @aslakhellesoy, I can start it and send a Pull Request.