
Multiple arguments in $ELECTRON_ARGS

Closed this issue · 4 comments

If add another argument to the file ~/.config/yandex-music.conf to the variable $ELECTRON_ARGS, for example:

ELECTRON_ARGS="--no-sandbox --proxy-server="

then we get:

$ bash -x /usr/bin/yandex-music 
+ CONFIG_HOME=/home/user/.config
+ CONFIG_FILE=/home/user/.config/yandex-music.conf
+ echo 'Using config file: /user/.config/yandex-music.conf'
Using config file: /home/user/.config/yandex-music.conf
+ '[' '!' -f /home/user/.config/yandex-music.conf ']'
+ source /home/user/.config/yandex-music.conf
++ ELECTRON_ARGS='--no-sandbox --proxy-server='
+ '[' x11 == wayland ']'
+ ELECTRON_BIN=/usr/lib/yandex-music/electron/electron
+ exec /usr/lib/yandex-music/electron/electron /usr/lib/yandex-music/yandex-music.asar '--no-sandbox --proxy-server=' ''
[2072952:0410/] The SUID sandbox helper binary was found, but is not configured correctly. Rather than run without sandboxing I'm aborting now. You need to make sure that /usr/lib/yandex-music/electron/chrome-sandbox is owned by root and has mode 4755.
Ловушка трассировки/останова
[2072954:0100/] write: Обрыв канала (32)

If remove the double quotes around the variable $ELECTRON_ARGS in the file /usr/bin/yandex-music, then everything is fine.

Need an explanation of how to safely frame variables.

Unfortunately, the problem is not resolved.

exec "${ELECTRON_BIN}" "/usr/lib/yandex-music/yandex-music.asar" "${ELECTRON_ARGS} ${WAYLAND_FLAGS}":

+ source /home/user/.config/yandex-music.conf
++ ELECTRON_ARGS='--no-sandbox --proxy-server='
+ '[' x11 == wayland ']'
+ ELECTRON_BIN=/usr/lib/yandex-music/electron/electron
+ exec /usr/lib/yandex-music/electron/electron /usr/lib/yandex-music/yandex-music.asar '--no-sandbox --proxy-server= '
[2133567:0410/] The SUID sandbox helper binary was found, but is not configured correctly. Rather than run without sandboxing I'm aborting now. You need to make sure that /usr/lib/yandex-music/electron/chrome-sandbox is owned by root and has mode 4755.


exec "${ELECTRON_BIN}" "/usr/lib/yandex-music/yandex-music.asar" ${ELECTRON_ARGS} ${WAYLAND_FLAGS}:

+ source /home/user/.config/yandex-music.conf
++ ELECTRON_ARGS='--no-sandbox --proxy-server='
+ '[' x11 == wayland ']'
+ ELECTRON_BIN=/usr/lib/yandex-music/electron/electron
+ exec /usr/lib/yandex-music/electron/electron /usr/lib/yandex-music/yandex-music.asar --no-sandbox --proxy-server=
16:54:42.629 (Application)             › Version: 5.0.18
16:54:42.635 (Application)             › Build: 5.0.18 (release-beta-18/3fe4298a)
16:54:42.639 (SingleInstance)          › Single instance

But I don’t know how safe it is and I don’t know how to do it right.

Update works for me with multiple flags. What shell do you use?

GNU bash, version 4.4.23(1)-release (x86_64-alt-linux-gnu)

I tested version 5.0.20 - now it works as it should. Thank you!