
Which argument to use for extraGlue option?

cj19 opened this issue · 4 comments

cj19 commented

I'd like to register a gradle task to run my integration tests with cucumber. The task definition looks like this:

tasks.register('integrationTest', Test) {
    description = 'Runs integration tests.'
    group = 'verification'

    dependsOn assemble, testClasses
    doLast {
        javaexec {
            main = "io.cucumber.core.cli.Main"
            classpath = configurations.cucumberRuntime + sourceSets.main.output + sourceSets.test.output
            args = [
                    '--plugin', 'pretty',
                    '--plugin', 'json:target/cucumber/cucumber.json',
                    '--plugin', 'org.citrusframework.cucumber.CitrusReporter',
                    '--tags', '"not @ignore"',
            ignoreExitValue = true

In my project there are no steps definitions, because I use yaks standard library and provided that as an extraGlue cucumber option. Is there any way to include that option in here the task definition(e.g: '--cucumber.extraGlue', 'org.citrusframework.yaks.standard')? As i can see that in the README file this is not supperted yet. Is there any other alternative?

You can use --glue. And --help for more documentation.

There is no equivalent of extraGlue, the java doc on CucumberOptions should be sufficient to explain that.

Leaving this open because it looks like the cucumber-core
read me is missing a section about the CLI.

cj19 commented

You can use --glue. And --help for more documentation.

There is no equivalent of extraGlue, the java doc on CucumberOptions should be sufficient to explain that.

Leaving this open because it looks like the cucumber-core read me is missing a section about the CLI.

Thanks for the links. To add more context, my main class looks like this:

@ContextConfiguration(classes = { CitrusSpringConfig.class, KafkaEndpointConfiguration.class,
        EndpointConfiguration.class })
@CucumberOptions(tags = "not @ignore",
                 features = "src/test/resources/features",
                 extraGlue = "org.citrusframework.yaks.standard",
                 plugin = { "pretty", "json:target/cucumber/cucumber.json",
                         "org.citrusframework.cucumber.CitrusReporter" })
public class RunIntegrationTests {

And i have no steps configuration, because as you can see I use the yaks library and further steps configuration is not needed in this project. Obviously running the integration tests using the class cause no problems, but I need a gradle config as well.

I added the

'--glue', 'org.citrusframework.yaks.standard',

into the gradle run config and this was the error I got:

Exception in thread "main" io.cucumber.core.exception.CompositeCucumberException: There were 2 exceptions. The details are in the stacktrace below.
	at io.cucumber.core.runtime.RethrowingThrowableCollector.getThrowable(
	at io.cucumber.core.runtime.CucumberExecutionContext.getThrowable(
	at io.cucumber.core.runtime.CucumberExecutionContext.runFeatures(
	at io.cucumber.core.cli.Main.main(
	Suppressed: io.cucumber.core.backend.CucumberBackendException: Please annotate a glue class with some context configuration.

For example:

   @SpringBootTest(classes = TestConfig.class)
   public class CucumberSpringConfiguration { }

   @ContextConfiguration( ... )
   public class CucumberSpringConfiguration { }
		at io.cucumber.spring.SpringFactory.start(
		at org.citrusframework.cucumber.backend.spring.CitrusSpringObjectFactory.start(
		at io.cucumber.core.runner.Runner.buildBackendWorlds(
		at io.cucumber.core.runner.Runner.runPickle(
		at io.cucumber.core.runtime.Runtime.lambda$executePickle$6(
		at io.cucumber.core.runtime.CucumberExecutionContext.lambda$runTestCase$5(
		at io.cucumber.core.runtime.RethrowingThrowableCollector.executeAndThrow(
		at io.cucumber.core.runtime.CucumberExecutionContext.runTestCase(
		at io.cucumber.core.runtime.Runtime.lambda$executePickle$7(
		at java.base/java.util.concurrent.Executors$
		at java.base/
		at io.cucumber.core.runtime.Runtime$SameThreadExecutorService.execute(
		at java.base/java.util.concurrent.AbstractExecutorService.submit(
		at io.cucumber.core.runtime.Runtime.lambda$runFeatures$3(
		at java.base/$3$1.accept(
		at java.base/$1$1.accept(
		at java.base/java.util.ArrayList$ArrayListSpliterator.tryAdvance(
		at java.base/
		at java.base/
		at java.base/
		at java.base/
		at java.base/$ReduceOp.evaluateSequential(
		at java.base/
		at java.base/
		at io.cucumber.core.runtime.Runtime.runFeatures(
		at io.cucumber.core.runtime.Runtime.lambda$run$0(
		at io.cucumber.core.runtime.CucumberExecutionContext.lambda$runFeatures$6(
		at io.cucumber.core.runtime.CucumberExecutionContext.execute(
		at io.cucumber.core.runtime.CucumberExecutionContext.runFeatures(
		... 3 more
	Suppressed: io.cucumber.core.backend.CucumberBackendException: Please annotate a glue class with some context configuration.

For example:

   @SpringBootTest(classes = TestConfig.class)
   public class CucumberSpringConfiguration { }

   @ContextConfiguration( ... )
   public class CucumberSpringConfiguration { }

I suppose the yaks standard library classes do not have the necessary annotations. I am not sure how can I tackle this problem. Any ideas are appreciated.

As the error explains, you'll need a class with these annotation somewhere on your glue path:

@ContextConfiguration(classes = { CitrusSpringConfig.class, KafkaEndpointConfiguration.class,
        EndpointConfiguration.class })

Note that --glue can be repeated.

cj19 commented

Understood. Now the task can be ran, but as I have no steps configuration (because I use yaks), thus the tests end with undefined step configuration results.

2 Scenarios (2 undefined)
16 Steps (14 skipped, 2 undefined)

How can I integrate yaks steps into this task configuration in order to run the tests properly like I do it with the class config run?


I have figured it out:

'--glue', my.project.library',
'--glue', 'org.citrusframework.yaks.standard',

Using multiple glue path configurations solved the problem. Thank you for help!