
This is one project with library and example to show how to test the Android UI with the Lua Script.

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This is one project with library and example to show how to test the Android UI with the Lua Script.

  1. Project description:

    This is the simple example to show how to test the Android UI with the LUA. test/test-robot-lib-app-instr/script has the simple test file of lua

  2. Project Tree:

     1) lib --
         luajava-apklib :  
                 The Project to Ndk the libs of lua engine for Android 
         robot-apklib : 
                 The Library with wrapper LuaEngine and Instrumentation and others
                 you can add more operations to mapping in IOper.java and IView.java and so on...
     2) test --
                 The project of app
                 The Project of instr app to test-robot-lib-app.
  3. HOW TO RUN the Test:

     1) install depends:
         ANDROID SDK:
         ANDROID NDK:
     2) Set MAVEN Depends Path:
         ANDROID_HOME = ${sdk_path}
         ANDROID_NDK_HOME = ${ndk_path}
     3) Device:
         1) usb link to device
         2) device has sdcard to test
     3) RUN:
         mvn clean install
  4. the STEPS to code the LUA SCRIPT FOR ANDROID UI :

     1) find the views of Window of Android
         views = getviewsex() 
     2) filter the view for operations
         btns = filter(views, function (x) return x:type() == "android.widget.Button" end)
     3) assert the UI view is expected
         assert(table.getn(btns) == 1, "Activitys has only one btn")
     4) do the operations of UI
     5) go to 1), and repeat to do
  5. QA:

    1. why Lua to UI Script?

      java and eclipse is too heavy to test Android UI which is changing frequencies.

    2. dex failed?

      if the target app to instr has the dependencies of slf4j and logback, it would be conficted. try to :

      1. make to tag of PROVIDED and retry. if failed, go 2)
      2. remove the dependencies of slf4j and logback