
Installation instructions don't work.

Closed this issue · 5 comments

sdm7g commented

rake hyacinth:setup:config_files fails with:

 rake aborted!
 NameError: undefined local variable or method  'uri_service' for main:Object
 /Users/sdm7g/hyacinth/lib/tasks/hyacinth/setup.rake:85:in 'block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'
 /Users/sdm7g/hyacinth/lib/tasks/hyacinth/setup.rake:82:in 'each'
 /Users/sdm7g/hyacinth/lib/tasks/hyacinth/setup.rake:82:in 'block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'

I removed + uri_service from line 85:
so it matches line 73 above it:

hyacinth:setup:config_files task will then complete without error and produce a config/uri_service.yml file. db:migrate and jetty tasks are successful.

I'm running java 1.7, so that may be the reason for the following issues:

Will see if I can try with 1.8

rake hyacinth:fedora:reload_cmodels fails:

Fedora URL: http://localhost:8983/fedora
Solr URL: http://localhost:8983/solr/development
possible problem with purge of ldpd:nullbind: 503 Service Unavailable
possible problem with ingest of ldpd:nullbind: 503 Service Unavailable
rake aborted!
RestClient::ServiceUnavailable: 503 Service Unavailable

db:seed also fails with RestClient::ServiceUnavailable: 503 Service Unavailable
Solr admin interface and cores respond. Fedora appears to be the one that's unavailable.
There were no errors from jetty:start and nothing in the jetty/logs except an empty 'dummy' file.
The rails app can run and I can log in to it, but I don't know how functional it is without Fedora.

Can you try setting things up again with the latest version of master? I accidentally brought some incomplete changes in during a recent commit.

sdm7g commented

OK: It works for me up to the rake hyacinth:fedora:reload_cmodels and I believe that must be due to my trying it with java 1.7. I see the logs are actually in jettywrapper.log , which has some errors:

Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError:   org/fcrepo/server/utilities/LogSetupContextListener : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0
17:47:42.227 [main] DEBUG o.e.jetty.webapp.WebAppClassLoader - loaded class java.lang.Error
17:47:42.227 [main] DEBUG o.e.jetty.webapp.WebAppClassLoader - loaded class java.lang.Error from null
17:47:42.238 [main] DEBUG o.e.jetty.webapp.WebAppClassLoader - loaded class java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
OK: working under Java 8

Thanks for the update. You're right about the Java 8 requirement. That's because I'm using the latest version of hydra-jetty, which includes Fedora 3.8.1. Fedora 3.8.1 only runs under Java 8 (see:

As an alternative, you can swap out the hydra-jetty Fedora / Solr instances for your own separate ones (and update the solr.yml, hyacinth.yml and fedora.yml references). That eliminates the Java 8 dependency for running the app, but the CI tests will still require Java 8 (again because of hydra-jetty with Fedora 3.8.1).

sdm7g commented

Does something else have to be done to start the repository_cache server at 3001 ?
None of the thumbnails display and they have URLs using that port.

Also: all URLs in config yml files are to localhost .
Some of those are for internal links and are OK, but some others (like those localhost:3001 thumbnails) are propagated by the browser, and break when browser and server aren't the same host.

Ah, right. Sorry, I forgot to include a reference to the repository_cache app in the README. It's a separate application that we developed at Columbia, but it's currently in a private repo. You're right, thumbnails can't be generated without it. My team needs to work some things out before releasing it publicly, but I may break out some of the functionality into Hyacinth (or into a gem) before that time. I'm not sure how soon I'll have a chance to do that (due to competing priorities), but I'll update the README to let people know that thumbnails can't currently be tested.