
This is a repository intended for sharing some example files and documentation for traceshark


This is a repository intended for sharing some example files and documentation for traceshark. I put these in a separate repository because I don't want to pollute the traceshark repository with a lot of binary files that are not strictly necessary.

You can find traceshark here: https://github.com/cunctator/traceshark


Currently, the only things available in this repository are:

  • Five sample traces in sample-traces3. These sample traces were obtained with perf when opening a large, circa 2GB, trace with traceshark.
  • A README.txt that describes the traces.
  • There is a screenshot for each trace, to show what it is supposed to look like.

How to use

You only need to unpack the files ending with .asc.xz like this:

xz -dc xz -dc file_to_open_with_traceshark.asc.xz > file_to_open_with_traceshark.asc

The output file is the one that you open with traceshark. For more info about how to use traceshark, see the traceshark repository: https://github.com/cunctator/traceshark

What is it supposed to look like in traceshark?

If you use KDE and have a monitor with non-standard 1920x1920 resolution, you should see something like this: Screenshot of traceshark