
Some question about environment

wangzhen-ing opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello, I would like to ask, if I want to run, do I need to configure the environment first according to the official plug-and-play environment, and then install environment/pnp_requirements.txt in your code?

Hi, in fact, both ways are fine. You can setup the environment with either the official plug-and-play environment or environment/pnp_requirements.txt. We just give out the environment/pnp_requirements.txt for ease of use. The code in our repo are basically the same as the official plug-and-play thus have same environment requirements.

Hi, in fact, both ways are fine. You can setup the environment with either the official plug-and-play environment or environment/pnp_requirements.txt. We just give out the environment/pnp_requirements.txt for ease of use. The code in our repo are basically the same as the official plug-and-play thus have same environment requirements.

thank you very much for your answer!