
Math rendering display mode

lgtout opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi. How do you handle display mode for math rendering with Katex?

<section class="math">\Delta p \Delta x \geq {h \over 4 \pi}</section>


Thanks. So, I already tried some variation of that.
But then I noticed that, in katex.hbs, katex.render is called without passing in the optional configuration parameter { displayMode: true }.
See this for behavior of render. The gist of it is that the default value of displayMode is false, which causes Katex to use math mode i.e. inline mode.
I haven't dug deep into Katex or mnml, but is it possible that mnml is rendering in math mode, but displaying it on a separate line, such it looks like it's display mode, but it's not?

Ah, good point. I’d forgotten to set the displayMode , and it was doing exactly what you said (rendering pseudo-display math.)

I have updated the KaTeX partial accordingly. Thanks!

Awesome! You're welcome.