
For curl to json conversion, the xml type data seems to be coming in key value pairs

Closed this issue · 3 comments

For curl to JSON conversion, the XML-type data seems to be coming in key-value pairs. Instead, it should have come in a single-string format like other converters give.
Screenshot from 2024-01-05 02-20-18
Screenshot from 2024-01-05 02-27-58

By the way, great library. Impressive.

maybe we need to add a "raw_data": key so that you can distinguish

curl --json '"some string"'


curl --json 'some string'

which are both converted to "data": "some string" since the first one is a JSON string and the latter is invalid JSON.

hi @verhovsky

can you please tell me how much time will it take to get these changes reflected in the npm package? When do you plan to release these changes?

@eknathyadav 4.9.0 was published to npm just now with the change.