
Text Analyzer

Primary LanguageHTML


Text Analyzer Exercise

This excerise includes:

  • Array Manipulation
  • String Manipulation
  • Converting between data types
  • Using objects as function parameters

Build a tool to analyze text as you type it into a textarea.

You will need to determine the following things about the text:

  1. How many times each vowel has been used (a, e, i, o, u)
  2. How many times each punctuation mark has been used (. , ? !)
  3. The total number of characters
  4. The total number of words
  5. The longest word
  6. The shortest word
  7. The last three words

Every time a keyup event happens, create an object. Then replace all of the values in this object with the correct results.

Hint: It is probably easiest to create a new result object on every keypress.

Finally, create a function which can render this object onto the page inside of the div with the id "results".