

Sharespace is an app where hosts give guests access to their homes for the best stays in their place of choice. Hosts are able to post their home(s) for stay and guests can plan and book their accommodations based on the dates and rates. Your home away from home, Sharespace aims to give you the perfect getaway.


  • Responsive and fuctional Front-end with working links
  • Full CRUD Backend using Ruby on Rails
  • 3 tables (one with association)


Functional full-stack app with full CRUD capabilities using Ruby on Rails. This will also include a postgresql database with 3 tables, showing at least one association

Libraries and Dependencies

Library Description
React Front-end
React Router Front-end
Rails Backend
Bcrypt Backend
JWT Backend
Axios Front-end


Component Tree

Component Architecture

|__ assets/
      |__ fonts
      |__ graphics
      |__ images
|__ components/
            |__ Layout.jsx
            |__ Navbar.jsx
            |__ Footer.jsx
      |__ Screens/
            |__ Navbar.jsx
            |__ Footer.jsx
            |__ SignIn.jsx
            |__ SignUp.jsx
            |__ Home.jsx
            |__ HomeDetails.jsx
            |__ HomeCreate.jsx
            |__ Homeupdate.jsx
            |__ MyAccount.jsx
      |__ containers/
            |__ MainContainer.jsx
      |__ App.js
|__ services/
      |__ apiconfig.js
      |__ users.js
      |__ home.js
      |__ bookings.js

Time Estimates

Task Priority Estimated Time Time Invested Actual Time
Create tables w/association high 2hrs
Create models high 2hrs
Set up CRUD on controllers high 3hrs
Seed the database high 1.5hrs
Test Backend w/ Postman low 1.5hrs
Create routes high 3hrs
Deploy Backend with Heroku high 2hrs
Create services folder/and js files high 3hrs
set up handler functions in App.js high 2.5hrs
create routes for screens high 2.5hrs
Set up main container (API calls) high 3hrs
Set up Sign in/Sign Out Authentications low 3hrs
Nav bar and footer medium 1.5hrs
Deploy frontend with Netlify high 2hrs
Responsive design high 3hrs
Media queries high 1.5hrs
Color themes low 1.5hrs
Research and Debugging medium 3hrs
TOTAL 41.5

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  • Guests will be able to leave ratings and reviews based on their exeriences
  • "Featured Homes" section with the highest rated stays
  • Advanced CSS using libraries

Code Showcase

Code Issues & Resolutions