
Rename project

Opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I'm guessing this is a sensitive topic, but would it be possible to rename the project and resolve this dispute with Cypress so we can continue to use our self-hosted sorry-cypress dashboard?
I am very grateful for all the hard work put into maintaining this and sorry-cypress, and I recognize the frustration over this dispute. But I would prefer that the open source portions stay compatible with Cypress and if changing the name would allow it to move forward that seems like a relatively reasonable compromise.
I would be willing to help with the migration and renaming if it would be accepted.

Example usage

A generic name that doesn't conflict like dash-runner, if you still want to promote your company than perhaps currents-cloud or currents-runner, or something unrelated like an animal name or abstract term like muse-runner or whatever.

even the older versions are being blocked now, I don't think it will work by just changing the name

hopefully the open source stuff will still be supported

is there any known workaround for this? other than completely disabling currents that is

@firmanserdana You should pin your comment as a working solution, it works like a charm.