
This is an awesome package! can I help?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I just modified a tutorial example based on xgboost and with only replacing the engine from
"xgboost" to "lightgbm" it just works! Amazing work!

How can I help?

@RMHogervorst would be awesome! Well, we are at a very early stage.

I just found out that lightgbm is not working with tune() (badly, it causes R to crash). you can check it out here

Also I think we need a lot of unit tests!

If we set a good battery of successful tests we can start spreading the word about this pkg.

Just an update: lightgbm + tune crashing is a windows specific issue. Mac and Linux are not crashing.

Cool, yeah lightgbm worked without a hitch on my mac, but catboost had some issues.