
🕶️ Cool dark red Facebook Messenger theme

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


🕶️ Cool dark red Facebook Messenger theme


Using the browser plugin Stylus

  1. Get the Stylus plugin:
  2. Click Stylus plugin image → ManageWrite new style
  3. Enther a name for the style. E.g: dark-facebook-messenger-theme
  4. Copy the css content from this file into the code textarea
  5. Apply the page to URLs on the domain for facebook.com and/or messenger.com by clicking Specify → put in the URL
  6. Click Save and go to https://www.messenger.com/ or https://facebook.com to view the result️️

Change favicons using Greasemonkey (Optional) (currently only for Firefox)

If you want to change the favicons of the websites aswell as the css-style:

  1. Get the Greasemonkey plugin
  2. Click Greasemonkey plugin image → New user script...
  3. Copy the javscript code from this file into the code textarea
  4. Click Control + S and go to https://www.messenger.com/ or https://facebook.com to view the result️️


MIT © Knut Kirkhorn