
Deposit Zappers for Meta pools in API

Closed this issue · 2 comments

As an aggregator, I'd like to be able to pull the deposit zapper address for meta pools. Currently, we consume this info from but we'd ideally consume it from the api. For example:


"id": "22",
"address": "0x8474DdbE98F5aA3179B3B3F5942D724aFcdec9f6",
"name": " MUSD/3Crv",
"lpTokenAddress": "0x1AEf73d49Dedc4b1778d0706583995958Dc862e6",
"depositZapper": "0x803A2B40c5a9BB2B86DD630B274Fa2A9202874C2", <=== New

Hi, thanks for bringing this up! It turns out that the getPools/chain/registry endpoints already had the zapAddress property for each pool that has a zap, but there was a typo that prevented it from matching some pools, and the latest zaps were not included yet.

This is now resolved: all pools with zaps now have this property, everything is up to date!

thank you @philippe-git!