No card type found on the conditional yaml?
cvocvo opened this issue · 2 comments
Version of the custom_component
Latest version
Describe the bug
I installed the yaml package and the latest version of the HACS component, however when I go to add the card YAML for either of the conditional cards listed here:
HomeAssistant gives me an error: “No card type found”
Any ideas? Thank you!
Thanks for pointing that out. I'll update the instructions and code. The hyphen/space before card: is only needed if editing the raw lovelace yaml, but not used if editing via the Add Card option in the UI. When adding the card code in the UI, via the Add Card button, and using the Show Code Editor to edit the card code, the code should be formatted like this:
content: >
<hr> {% set alerts = [
"sensor.weatheralerts_1_alert_5"] %}
{% for alert in alerts if is_state(alert, 'on') %} {% if 'warning' or
'severe' in state_attr( alert, 'display_title')|lower() %} <font
color="red"> {% endif %} <b>{{ state_attr( alert, 'display_title')
}}</b> {%- if 'warning' or 'severe' in state_attr( alert,
'display_title')|lower() -%} </font> {%- endif %} <br>{{ state_attr(
alert, 'display_message') }} {% if loop.last %} {% else %} <hr> {% endif
%} {% endfor %}
title: Weather Alerts
type: markdown
- entity: sensor.weatheralerts_1_alerts_are_active
state: 'Yes'
type: conditional
The first line of card code from the instructions:
- card:
should not have the hyphen or any spaces in it, The indentation of the rest of the lines should be adjusted (by deleting the first four blank spaces at the beginning of each line) to maintain proper formatting.
Oh yep that did the trick—thank you for the fast reply!