Duplicated Alerts from NWS - fix provided
mjnovotny82 opened this issue · 1 comments
mjnovotny82 commented
NWS keeps duplicating some of their alerts where they keep the original alert and issue a second alert when the advisory is actually occurring.
It was very annoying to have two Wind Advisory alerts being announced every time.
Attached is NWS API output and my sensor.py fix.
NWS API output - weatheralerts--WIZ060-WIC089.txt
My fix: sensor.py.txt
Line 19 = new
Lines 159-195 = amended, lines 159-161 are new
regularguy01 commented
Are these really duplicates the oids all look different to me. Are you saying the text with in the oid is the same? I have not gotten duplicate alerts.
I rewrote alot of the yaml in mine though.