when I run: yarn add postcss-pxtorem, I get a warning " > postcss-pxtorem@6.0.0" has unmet peer dependency "postcss@^8.0.0".
Opened this issue · 7 comments
wx995405425 commented
wx995405425 commented
@cuth How to solve this problem? Do you need to modify the source code?
wx995405425 commented
postcss is built in vite. I don't want to reinstall postcss.
cuth commented
Try adding Postcss to the package.json of your project.
wx995405425 commented
@cuth It works。Thanks
LiZhaji commented
I got the same problem when running with npm: Syntax Error: Error: PostCSS plugin postcss-pxtorem requires PostCSS 8.
And then I add postcss v8.3.0 to the package.json, but it does't work.
xiaoyang678 commented
xxwangkaimin commented
I downloaded postcss-pxtorem@lastest,postcss@lastest,postcss-loader@lastest,But still report an error.