Unbind map from mouse/touch events
willgeary opened this issue · 1 comments
Thank you for this great library! I'm hoping to make something similar to the Mapox GL example titled "Create a draggable point":
Luckily there is a p5.js example that accomplishes something similar (https://p5js.org/examples/input-mouse-functions.html). HOWEVER! When I try implement this with Mappa.js, the following problem occurs: When I try to drag a point with my mouse, it moves the underlying map as well since the map is binded to mouse drags.
Is there a way to temporarily unbind the map from the mouse?
I.e. something like the below:
// Unbind mouse/touch events
map.off('mousemove', onMove);
map.off('touchmove', onMove);
Thank you very much!
I figured out how to do this using Mapbox's disable() functions:
Closing this issue!