
Add importer for CSAF

Rafiot opened this issue · 4 comments

The instrumentation is there -> which comes with a downloader:

One sample source is there:

So the goal will be to fetch from a provider, store them locally and add an importer in vuln lookup.

Notes for CSAF importer:

  • csaf_downloader work fine for domains that have a provider-metadata.json

  • there is no obvious way to tell the downloader "only get new stuff since last time you ran" the hacky solution is (initial import):

    1. to fetch the provider-metadata.json
    2. get the last_updated key
    3. store that in kvrocks last_updates hash
    4. run csaf_downloader & wait for a long time

    Then, for updates:

    1. get the last update from the last_updates hash
    2. Throw that in the timerange option
    3. get only the updated entries
    4. Then, maybe use the log file to find the updated entries, or just re-iterate over all the files.