laravel-translatable vs eloquent-taggable
badrshs opened this issue · 2 comments
badrshs commented
Hi ,
how i can use this package with ??
i have two model
1 - Post
and im using laravel-translatable
what i did is adding taggable to my Post model , but when i save the post it will work on the base model (Post ) ,so the tags will appear for all the records of translation , i can't add taggable for each locale
any help please or suggestion ?
class Posts extends Model
use Taggable;
use Translatable;
public $translatedAttributes = ['title','contain','detail'];
public $fillable = ['slug','image','category_id'];
cviebrock commented
I haven't used that other package, so I'm not sure how it operates under-the-hood. I suspect if it has different models for each translation, each of those would need to be taggable as well?
cviebrock commented
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