
Model::allTags() and related methods fail with Relation::enforceMorphMap()

anaxamaxan opened this issue · 1 comments

Please be sure you include all the relevant information in your issue so we can help you:

  • steps taken to reproduce your issue

Installed per instructions. Using only one model so far, App\Models\Course, which implements Taggable with no overrides.

  • your configuration file(s), where relevant
// AppServiceProvider::boot()
    'course' => Course::class,
  • a copy of your Models that use or extend this package (just the relevant parts!)

Using the trait right out of the can:

class Course extends Model implements HasCommentsInterface, HasNotes
    use HasFactory,
// etc
  • any other code we might need to help

The main issue comes from depending on php get_class() in TagService::getAllTags() and TagService::getPopularTags(). Also the anonymous class in TagService::getQualifiedPivotTableName() needs to either implement the getMorphClass() method from Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Concerns\HasRelationships or otherwise get around the morph map enforcement.

I'll open a PR for the above.

Version 10.0.1 has been tagged with this fix. Thanks again @anaxamaxan !