
Visual Emotion Prediction (as a single-label problem) -- MS Thesis

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Using Large-scale Web Data for Visual Emotion Prediction

This repository contains the source code for Yevheniia Soroka's Master's Thesis on emotion prediction.

In this project, we:

  • Explored dataset bias in existing visual emotion datasets
  • Compared several techniques of combining datasets
  • Learned new word embeddings trained on tags from new large-scale dataset
  • Incorporated multiple datasets in a single emotion prediction system
  • Achieved state-of-the-art performance on all single-label datasets
  • Utilized emotional text representations for label distribution prediction


Identical conda environment can be installed using specs.txt. At the bare minimum, Python 3, pytorch, tqdm, PIL, numpy are needed to run the code.

Folder Structure

main/ckpts/ is where model checkpoints are saved by default during training.

main/PublicEmotionDatasets/ contains folders with scripts for processing each of the existing datasets we worked with. Datasets are available for download from [1]-[3].

main/CNNs/ has all the source code for running the models.


You must prepare your own pkl files containing the list of image-label pairs of the format (image_relative_path, image_label) -- separate pkl files for training, validation and testing. The paths to these files and other parameters must be specified in a config file, and some are included in main/CNNs/config_files/. main/CNNs/mains_emotions/ contains scripts for different learning methods: single- or multi-dataset, sequential or mixed learning.

Navigate to main/CNNs/mains_emotions/, choose the appropriate script and run the command:

python [script_name] --config_file [config_file_path]

e.g. for joint multi-dataset learning, run:

python MultiDS_Mix.py --config_file ../config_files/MultiDS/MultiDS_Mix.json


For testing the trained model, simply change parameters in the corresponding config file to:

"resume": "[model_path_folder]/[model_file_name].pth.tar",
"evaluate": true,
"data_dir": "[images_folder_path]",
"test_file": "[test_file].pkl"

and run the same script as for training.

Word Embedding

Pre-trained word embeddings can be dowloaded from Google Drive. Emotional embeddings trained on Adobe dataset [4] can be used as-is, and are suitable for emotion-related NLP tasks. These were used to weakly label images from Adobe dataset using scripts in main/PublicEmotionDatasets/Adobe/process/.

Copyright and attribution

Created by Yevheniia Soroka, Research Assistant in Computer Vision Lab, Stony Brook University, NY. Work conducted under the supervision of Dimitris Samaras, SUNY Empire Innovation Professor, Computer Science Department, Stony Brook University, NY.


Special thanks to Zijun Wei for introducing this problem to me, providing Adobe dataset, core code and initial support for this project.


[1] Quanzeng You, Jiebo Luo, Hailin Jin and Jianchao Yang. "Building a Large Scale Dataset for Image Emotion Recognition: The Fine Print and The Benchmark", the Thirtieth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2016.

[2] Jufeng Yang, Ming Sun, and Xiaoxiao Sun. Learning visual sentiment distributions via augmented conditional probability neural network. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2017.

[3] Rameswar Panda, Jianming Zhang, Haoxiang Li, Joon-Young Lee, Xin Lu, and Amit K Roy-Chowdhury. Contemplating visual emotions: Understanding and overcoming dataset bias. In European Conference on Computer Vision, 2018.

[4] Adobe Research