
download links on purchased album pages

Closed this issue · 3 comments

btw it is possible to add somewhere here(pic 1) or here(pic 2) link to download album? its strange why bandcamp hasn't done it themselves yet

cvzi commented

I am not sure. I haven't looked at how to generate download links.

cvzi commented

Note to myself:
On the profile page in the "collection" tab press the button "view all 123 items" at the bottom. This triggers a POST request to which presumably contains the next 20 download links.

Similar thing happens when clicking the button at the bottom of{username}/purchases

cvzi commented

I started to implement this: For now it only works for the albums that appear on the{username}/purchases page when you open the page. So only the most recent purchases work.

I leave this issue open, maybe I'll find the energy to make it work for older purchases as well