
Add data structure callback observers

Closed this issue · 8 comments

As mentioned in #188, I developed an observer system to be notified by callback by pjs when the datastructure changes.

The code is currently meant to be loaded externally and thus uses monkey-patching to hook up with pjs. I also wrote some unittests showing how to use the patch.

In case you find this system useful, I could create a merge request and incorporate the code directly into the source code of pjs.

(Just a reminder to myself when I'll implement the observer directly in the library.)
I just noticed that the test for arrays in ProtocolBase.validate does not check for ArrayWrapper neither and should be expanded to make the observers survive. Additionally, the _parent links need to be rewired in ArrayWrapper.__init__.

So, what do you think? Should we make this an official part of pjs?

@st31ny I couldn't find anything at those gist links above? I get a 404

Oh, I updated the links. I had changed my username and the old links became invalid.

Stale issue message

Have you found some time to consider the changes?

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