
Duplicated class name

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if, for example I have a schema that has a duplicated class name, whats the best way to handle this? Currently the class builder "fails" silenty.

E.g. I reference a schema from another schema that uses the same title v1/node/foo.

    "$schema": "",
    "$id": "https://my-url/node/any.schema.json#",
    "oneOf": [
            "$ref": "./foo.schema.json"
            "$ref": "my-second-url/node/foo.schema.json"

I use build_classes(named_only=True).

I would be nice to get notified about this, maybe like this in build_classes:

 for uri, klass in six.iteritems(builder.resolved):
            title = getattr(klass, "__title__", None)
            if title is not None:
                transformed_title = name_transform(title)
                if transformed_title in classes:
                classes[transformed_title] = klass
            elif not named_only:
                transformed_name = name_transform(uri.split("/")[-1])
                if transformed_name in classes:
                classes[transformed_name] = klass