Example projects that I created based on components received with Adafruit's Adabox001.
YouTube Playlist : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgAD2y-6wgwoaIJlPjkwUR0mKumRaz1oe
Using a temperature sensor and an LCD display, I display the temperature! Potentiometer is only to increase/decrease brightness of backlit LCD.
You will need to connect a potentiometer, temperature sensor, and the LCD to the Feather board.
- USB pin to +V rail
- GND pin to GND rail
LCD Wiring:
- LCD GND (Pin 1) to GND rail
- LCD VCC (Pin 2) to +V rail
- LCD VO (Pin 3) to middle Potentiometer pin
- LCD RS (Pin 4) to digital pin 6
- LCD R/W (Pin 5) to GND rail
- LCD Enable (Pin 6) to digital pin 5
- LCD D4 (Pin 11) to digital pin 9
- LCD D5 (Pin 12) to digital pin 10
- LCD D6 (Pin 13) to digital pin 11
- LCD D7 (Pin 14) to digital pin 12
- LCD BL1 (Pin 15) to +V rail
- LCD BL2 (Pin 16) to GND rail
Temperature Sensor (TMP36):
- Left pin to 3.3V on Feather
- Middle pin to Analog 0
- Right pin to GND rail
10k Potentiometer:
- Left pin to +V rail
- Middle pin to LCD VO pin (pin 3)
- Right pin to GND rail
Below is a diagram:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urYcSrP3Dhc&feature=youtu.be
I attach a Piezo buzzer and photo resistor to the feather, to play different pitches based on the analog value from the light level.
Connect the piezo to ground and a digital pin (I chose 12), and the photo resistor to V and analog pin 0, going to ground through a resistor.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TNp_1lK8Ek&feature=youtu.be
I change the brightness of an LED by mapping the value from an analog reading of a flex sensor resistor.
Connect a regular LED from ground to a digital pin (I use 11), using a resistor inbetween. Connect the flexible sensor resistor to V and analog pin 0, going to ground through a 10k resistor.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWC42rp0Sxs&feature=youtu.be
I connect 3 potentiometers to analog pins, and map their values to the red, green, and blue values for an RGB LED.
Connect the common anode RGB LED to 3 different digital pins with resistors (I chose 9, 10, and 11), with the common anode to +V. The potentiometers will have GND and +V on the outside pins, with the middle pins going to 3 separate analog pins (I chose A0, A1, and A2).
The digram only shows 1 potentiometer, but I used 3. Wire them up the same way. The Arduino file shows which pins I used for which values.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAPrk0c1XV8&feature=youtu.be
Here I use 2 push buttons to cycle forward or backward in a sequence of different lighting animations I created for the Neopixel shield.
I wire up a push button with one leg going from +V and the other on a digital pin, with a resistor, leading to ground. I use 2 push buttons overall, 1 for forward and 1 for backwards. I chose digital pins 12 and 13. I used 10k resistors on both buttons.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gLSVN3f97o&feature=youtu.be