
Could you provide the code on how to generate depth?

Opened this issue · 9 comments

Thank you!

Hi, what kind of depth do you want to generate?

@cwchenwang Hi, I want to generate the depth of depth completion and stereo depth estimation. Can you provide some instructions? Thank you!

The code is provided in the depth-methods folder and you can directly use that.

Thank you! I will check it out.

@cwchenwang Do you have any tips for using colmap on the kitti dataset? Because I found that colmap cannot reconstruct good results on some kitti sequences. Do we need to manually select sequences with rich features?

We don't use colmap on kitti. We just use the ground truth camera and convert it to colmap format.

We don't use colmap on kitti. We just use the ground truth camera and convert it to colmap format.

Get it! Thank you!

@cwchenwang Hi! Can I ask you another question? How did you convert the ground truth camera to colmap format? I still have question about getting the points3d.txt in colmap. Because points3d.txt seems to need to be obtained through feature matching of colmap.

We didn't use points3d.txt because NeRF models don't require that.