
The best resources related to ZEIT

MIT LicenseMIT

Awesome ZEIT


In the area of open source, there's a lot of stuff happening around ZEIT. To make it easier for developers to reach these resources, I've decided to create a list for them. And here we are!


  • now-logs - 📖 - Realtime logging for now
  • now-no-alias - CLI tool for now to list idle deploys (with no active aliases).
  • now-pipeline - Single command to deploy, run e2e tests and switch alias if tests pass.
  • now-redirect - Easily deploy a redirect like www.domain.com to domain.com.
  • zeit-deployments - Deploy a tiny next.js app to now that lists all your now deployments.



  • deploy.now.sh - Deploy git repos to now with the click of a button.
  • stage.now.sh - Automatically create staging environments from GitHub pull request.

Deployment Examples

  • cors - 📖 - Reverse proxy with CORS headers.
  • ws - 📖 - Simple echo web-socket.
  • app/api - 📖 - A (comically) simple app consisting of two now deployments, a front-end static html file and a micro api it hits.
  • micro-link - 📖 - A minimalistic microservice to generate and resolve sharable dynamic link (a.k.a deeplink).
  • image-upload - 📖 - Demonstration of how to upload images from the ImagePicker.


API Clients

  • now-client - official - ZEIT's JavaScript client for their API.
  • zeit-client-api - Another JavaScript client for managing your ZEIT account.
  • pynow - A python client for the ZEIT API.

Related Lists

  • awesome-hyper - Delightful Hyper plugins, themes, and resources.


  1. Fork this repository to your own GitHub account and then clone it to your local device.
  2. Start making changes!