
nng_recvmsg: Object closed after 61000 messages

amunhoz opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm doing a stress test with a pairv1 protocol and the socket is closing around 61000 messages with 1000 msg/second.
Even if i slow it down (500msg/sec), it drops the connection too around 61000 messages in the dialer side.
I've found a similar problem in the closed issues, but i'm following the right instructions and still having the problem.

The connection code:

  nng::socket sockx = nng::pair::v1::open();
  sock = std::make_shared<nng::socket>( sockx.release() ); 

The rest, is just as it supose to be and i've create a repository with most part of the code:

Another important thing, it is a node addon project.

Will make more tests... meanwhile i'll let this closed.