
Simple ASCII snake game

Primary LanguageC++

ASCII Snake In Console/Terminal Window


The snake is inspired on tutorial videos from https://www.youtube.com/@NVitanovic

The changes I made are:

  • enclosed the game in a C++ class (instead of using global variables and functions)
  • added linux equivalents of _kbhit() and _getch() from <conio.h> for Linux with a healp of #if defined() macros. (The <conio.h> library is supported only on Windows)
  • Created a makefile for linux build
  • replaced raw c-style arrays with vectors
  • added new features like multiple frogs spawning, different game modes and sprint kaey
  • used my own coding style

The game has 4 modes: IMMORTAL, EASY, MEDIUM and HARD; To select one you need to specify it in the game constructor like:

SnakeGame game = { SnakeGame::GameMode::MEDIUM };

There is also 0 arg constructor which runs MEDIUM game mode.

Each game mode has its own features:

    You can't be killed by hitting the wall or biting your tail. (The only way to end the game is by clicking the `X` key.) Walking into a wall will teleport the snake's head into the other side.
  • EASY:
    You can die biting your tail, but walls will still teleport you to the other side.
    You will die by bting your tail or hitting the wall.
  • HARD:
    You will die by biting your tail or hitting the wall. On each eaten frog the snake will go faster (till a certain point). This should make the game increasingly harder

Control snakes directions with WASD / wasd keys. You can activate sprint with the . key. (You can't control directions while sprinting) The sprint key can be changed in the code by modifying _SPRINT_KEY value. To exit game press X key.

The goal is to consume frogs spawning on the screen. The number of spawned frogs on the screen can be changed by modifying the value of _AMOUNT_OF_FROGS_SPAWNING.

You can also make the game faster or slower by modifying the START_REFRESH_RATE_MS const value.
