
A Lightweight RabbitMQ .NET API.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

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NanoRabbit, A Lightweight RabbitMQ .NET API for .NET 6, which makes a simple way to manage Multiple connections, producers, consumers, and easy to use.

NanoRabbit is under development! Please note that some APIs may change their names or usage!


Branch Building Status
master build
dev build


  • Customize the name of connections, producers, consumers.
  • Dependency injection available.
  • Multiple connections, producers, and consumers can be created.


You can get NanoRabbit by grabbing the latest NuGet package.

See Wiki for more details.


NanoRabbit RabbitMQ.Client
0.0.1, 0.0.2, 0.0.3, 0.0.4, 0.0.5, 0.0.6 6.5.0


The NanoRabbit Document is at NanoRabbit Wiki.


NanoRabbit is designed as a library depends on NAMING Connections, Producers, Consumers. So it's important to set a UNIQUE NAME for each Connections, Producers, Consumers.

For more, please visit the Examples.

Register a Connection

Register a RabbitMQ Connection by instantiating RabbitPool, and configure the producer and consumer.

var pool = new RabbitPool(config => { config.EnableLogging = true; });
pool.RegisterConnection(new ConnectOptions("Connection1", option =>
    option.ConnectConfig = new(config =>
        config.HostName = "localhost";
        config.Port = 5672;
        config.UserName = "admin";
        config.Password = "admin";
        config.VirtualHost = "FooHost";
    option.ProducerConfigs = new List<ProducerConfig>
        new ProducerConfig("FooFirstQueueProducer", c =>
            c.ExchangeName = "FooTopic";
            c.RoutingKey = "FooFirstKey";
            c.Type = ExchangeType.Topic;
    option.ConsumerConfigs = new List<ConsumerConfig>
        new ConsumerConfig("FooFirstQueueConsumer", c => { c.QueueName = "FooFirstQueue"; })

Simple Publish

After registering the RabbitPool, you can simply publish a message by calling NanoPublish<T>().

Task publishTask = Task.Run(() =>
    while (true)
        pool.NanoPublish<string>("Connection1", "FooFirstQueueProducer", "Hello from SimplePublish<T>()!");
        Console.WriteLine("Sent to RabbitMQ");

There is also a easy-to-use RabbitProducer, which used to publish messages without ConnectionName and ProducerConfig, for more, read Wiki.

Simple Consume

After registering the RabbitPool, you can simply consume a message by calling NanoConsume<T>().

Task consumeTask = Task.Run(() =>
    while (true)
        pool.NanoConsume<string>("Connection1", "FooFirstQueueConsumer",
            msg => { Console.WriteLine($"Received: {msg}"); });

There is also a easy-to-use RabbitConsumer, which used to consume messages without ConnectionName and ProducerConfig, for more, read Wiki.

Forward messages

Sometimes we have to consume messages from Foo RabbitMQ and publish the same message to Bar RabbitMQ, NanoRabbit provides a simple method to forward message, using the method called NanoForward<T>().

Task forwardTask = Task.Run(() =>
     while (true)
         pool.NanoForward<string>("Connection1", "FooFirstQueueConsumer", "Connection2", "FooQueueProducer");


Register IRabbitPool in Program.cs:

HostApplicationBuilder builder = Host.CreateApplicationBuilder(args);

// Configure the RabbitMQ Connection
    globalConfig => { globalConfig.EnableLogging = true; },
    c =>
        c.Add(new ConnectOptions("Connection1", option =>
            option.ConnectConfig = new(config =>
                config.HostName = "localhost";
                config.Port = 5672;
                config.UserName = "admin";
                config.Password = "admin";
                config.VirtualHost = "FooHost";
            option.ProducerConfigs = new List<ProducerConfig>
                new ProducerConfig("FooFirstQueueProducer", c =>
                    c.ExchangeName = "FooTopic";
                    c.RoutingKey = "FooFirstKey";
                    c.Type = ExchangeType.Topic;
            option.ConsumerConfigs = new List<ConsumerConfig>
                new ConsumerConfig("FooFirstQueueConsumer", c => { c.QueueName = "FooFirstQueue"; })

        c.Add(new ConnectOptions("Connection2", option =>
            // ...

Then, you can use IRabbitPool at anywhere.

More DI Usage at Wiki.


  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Create a new branch in you current repos from the dev branch.
  3. Push commits and create a Pull Request (PR) to NanoRabbit.


  • Basic Consume & Publish support
  • DependencyInjection support
  • Logging support
  • Forward messages
  • Using Task in Consumers and Producers
  • ASP.NET support
  • Exchange Configurations
  • .NET 7 support
  • .NET 8 support
  • RabbitMQ reconnecting



NanoRabbit is licensed under the MIT license.