NanoRabbit, A Lightweight RabbitMQ .NET API for .NET 6, which makes a simple way to manage Multiple connections, producers, consumers, and easy to use.
NanoRabbit is under development! Please note that some APIs may change their names or usage!
Branch | Building Status |
master | |
dev |
- Customize the name of connections, producers, consumers.
- Dependency injection available.
- Multiple connections, producers, and consumers can be created.
You can get NanoRabbit by grabbing the latest NuGet package.
See Wiki for more details.
NanoRabbit | RabbitMQ.Client |
0.0.1, 0.0.2, 0.0.3, 0.0.4, 0.0.5, 0.0.6 | 6.5.0 |
The NanoRabbit Document is at NanoRabbit Wiki.
NanoRabbit is designed as a library depends on NAMING Connections, Producers, Consumers. So it's important to set a UNIQUE NAME for each Connections, Producers, Consumers.
For more, please visit the Examples.
Register a RabbitMQ Connection by instantiating RabbitPool
, and configure the producer and consumer.
var pool = new RabbitPool(config => { config.EnableLogging = true; });
pool.RegisterConnection(new ConnectOptions("Connection1", option =>
option.ConnectConfig = new(config =>
config.HostName = "localhost";
config.Port = 5672;
config.UserName = "admin";
config.Password = "admin";
config.VirtualHost = "FooHost";
option.ProducerConfigs = new List<ProducerConfig>
new ProducerConfig("FooFirstQueueProducer", c =>
c.ExchangeName = "FooTopic";
c.RoutingKey = "FooFirstKey";
c.Type = ExchangeType.Topic;
option.ConsumerConfigs = new List<ConsumerConfig>
new ConsumerConfig("FooFirstQueueConsumer", c => { c.QueueName = "FooFirstQueue"; })
After registering the RabbitPool
, you can simply publish a message by calling NanoPublish<T>()
Task publishTask = Task.Run(() =>
while (true)
pool.NanoPublish<string>("Connection1", "FooFirstQueueProducer", "Hello from SimplePublish<T>()!");
Console.WriteLine("Sent to RabbitMQ");
There is also a easy-to-use RabbitProducer
, which used to publish messages without ConnectionName
and ProducerConfig
, for more, read Wiki.
After registering the RabbitPool
, you can simply consume a message by calling NanoConsume<T>()
Task consumeTask = Task.Run(() =>
while (true)
pool.NanoConsume<string>("Connection1", "FooFirstQueueConsumer",
msg => { Console.WriteLine($"Received: {msg}"); });
There is also a easy-to-use RabbitConsumer
, which used to consume messages without ConnectionName
and ProducerConfig
, for more, read Wiki.
Sometimes we have to consume messages from Foo RabbitMQ and publish the same message to Bar RabbitMQ, NanoRabbit provides a simple method to forward message, using the method called NanoForward<T>()
Task forwardTask = Task.Run(() =>
while (true)
pool.NanoForward<string>("Connection1", "FooFirstQueueConsumer", "Connection2", "FooQueueProducer");
Register IRabbitPool in Program.cs:
HostApplicationBuilder builder = Host.CreateApplicationBuilder(args);
// Configure the RabbitMQ Connection
globalConfig => { globalConfig.EnableLogging = true; },
c =>
c.Add(new ConnectOptions("Connection1", option =>
option.ConnectConfig = new(config =>
config.HostName = "localhost";
config.Port = 5672;
config.UserName = "admin";
config.Password = "admin";
config.VirtualHost = "FooHost";
option.ProducerConfigs = new List<ProducerConfig>
new ProducerConfig("FooFirstQueueProducer", c =>
c.ExchangeName = "FooTopic";
c.RoutingKey = "FooFirstKey";
c.Type = ExchangeType.Topic;
option.ConsumerConfigs = new List<ConsumerConfig>
new ConsumerConfig("FooFirstQueueConsumer", c => { c.QueueName = "FooFirstQueue"; })
c.Add(new ConnectOptions("Connection2", option =>
// ...
Then, you can use IRabbitPool at anywhere.
More DI Usage at Wiki.
- Fork this repository.
- Create a new branch in you current repos from the dev branch.
- Push commits and create a Pull Request (PR) to NanoRabbit.
- Basic Consume & Publish support
- DependencyInjection support
- Logging support
- Forward messages
- Using Task in Consumers and Producers
- ASP.NET support
- Exchange Configurations
- .NET 7 support
- .NET 8 support
- RabbitMQ reconnecting
- Visual Studio 2022
- RabbitMQ.Client
- Newtonsoft.Json
- Masstransit
- EasyNetQ
NanoRabbit is licensed under the MIT license.