.json export has borked fuel stats and can't be imported
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example in the rar
reactor(1) is 5x3x5 with HEU-235
reactor(2) is 7x7x7 with HEN
both have no Fuel name as stats so ThizPlanner can't load them sadly
hellrage has no real problem with it just that fuel-stats are empty besides the rf and heat gain
The generator knows nothing about the fuel except for the "Fuel Base Power" and "Fuel Base Heat" provided by the two textboxes. For example, what fuel name should it output if you just enter "1" in both "Fuel Base Power" and "Fuel Base Heat"? Therefore I left the fuel name and base depletion time empty in the JSON. I'm planning to work this generator into a full-fledged planner in the future, which will solve this problem. In the mean time, you'd have to manually edit the JSON to fix it, or tell Thiz to allow this kind of input..