
Switch to JWT token encapsulation

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Currently tokens are Slosilo-specific, content-agnostic JSON blobs. Since they were first designed JOSE family of standards came into being which specifies formally a design for bearer tokens, as used with Conjur. Since we're considering expanding tokens to support eg. issuer-set expiration time, it's a good time to switch to standards-based format, which already has features like that built-in. It will also make the structure of the tokens themselves reflect the primary (only?) usage, which is to bear authentication certification by a service identified with a keypair.

Note this issue is not about making Slosilo a generic standards-conforming JWT implementation or allowing different crypto algorithms to be used. Instead this is about, in the interest of interoperability and transparency, leveraging immense design work done on JOSE and drift in that direction in lieu of a NIH, not formally specified token format while making it transparent to users (especially Conjur server and clients) where possible.

Note that for Conjur usage this will need further work in conjur-rack and conjur to take advantage of the changes.

Proposed token format

New access tokens mirror old-style Slosilo tokens and use the same algorithm, extending them with extra fields and formatting them in accordance with RFC 7519.

RFC 7519 tokens are composed of three individually base64-encoded parts, which for Slosilo will be, in the first iteration, defined as follows:

  • JWS protected header, a JSON object with keys:
    • typ: document type, value: JWT
    • alg: signature algorithm, value:
    • kid: key ID (corresponds to key field in old-style Slosilo tokens).
  • JWT (JSON) document payload, with following claims:
    • sub: subject name (aka “username”, “login”). Required. Corresponds to the contents of data field in old-style tokens.
    • iat: date and time of issue (aka “timestamp”) as numeric (“UNIX”) UTC timestamp. Required. Corresponds to the contents of timestamp field in old-style Slosilo tokens.
    • exp expiration date and time as numeric (“UNIX”) UTC timestamp. Optional. By default tokens expire in 8 minutes since iat.
    • cidr list of CIDR restrictions. The token is considered valid if and only if it is presented by an originating IP matching at least one of them. (This restriction should be implemented by Slosilo token consumers, such as conjur-rack. Optional.
  • Signature, using the same algorithm as in old-style tokens (identified by in the alg header field. The string to sign is generated as per RFC 7515. This corresponds to the signature field in old-style tokens.

Security considerations

The new tokens are expected to provide the same or stronger security than the old-style ones:

  • Signature algorithm is intentionally kept the same; Slosilo code has received extensive security and crypto review on two separate occasions and to change it would be to lose the assurance brought by that.
  • Intentionally no effort is made to support RFC-mandated algorithms, even REQUIRED. This ensures that security properties are unchanged.
  • String to sign still contains all the fields of the token (Slosilo tokens don't use unprotected JWT headers), but instead of the construction being defined only in code, it's formally specified to be per RFC 7515.
  • Note: for future extensibility care should be taken to define and handle critical fields correctly. This is TBD.

Interoperability considerations


For compatibility with existing clients, token issuers may by default issue tokens in JWS JSON serialization (cf. RFC 7515). Tokens so serialized must be base64 encoded before using in a HTTP request header, as with old-style Slosilo tokens; this ensures that from the point of view of the client the format change is transparent, as long as the client treats tokens as opaque (as clients libraries are expected to). Alternatively, issuer can emit JWS compact serialization (perhaps on an endpoint that legacy clients cannot be expected to be able to use anyway, or as indicated by the client with Accept HTTP header), which can be used in requests without any further processing.

Third-party JOSE implementations

Slosilo is not claiming or intended to provide a general-purpose JWT implementation. However standards-conformant clients should be able to parse the tokens and understand common fields. Since non-standard algorithm is used, a generic implementation won't be able to verify the signature out-of-the-box; it can be accomplished by using Slosilo::Keystore#get_by_fingerprint to lookup the key by kid and Slosilo::Key#verify_signature to perform the verification on standard string-to-sign, bypassing Slosilo JWT parsing logic.


Beyond moving to a standard token format, two improvements for Conjur should already be apparent from the proposed format:

  • Token expiration can be specified by the signer. This has long been a feature requested by customers in various contexts, not necessarily valid. However there is significant value in providing this functionality, as Conjur authenticators can now specify the expiration time to be proportional to the amount of work and trust put into the authentication process to explicitly express any performance-security tradeoff, which they're in the best position to estimate. (Note consumers can still make their own decisions about how old tokens they want to accept.)
  • CIDR restrictions can be specified as part of the token. This is especially important for environments where the network is (relatively) trusted, as it can provide an additional level of security without the need for a central service to coordinate these restrictions; moreover, they can differ per authentication event to reflect that environment and trust, again putting that control in the place which is best situated to know it.

Future work

  • Define and implement handling of critical fields (cf. Security considerations above).
  • Formally specify the signature algorithm to make it easier to develop third-party implementations.

Note I created pull requests above for convenience when reviewing. They should stay on feature branches until outstanding issues ( #12 and cyberark/conjur-rack#11 ) are resolved.

Issues resolved. Pull requests above can be merged now.

Can we call this v3 because there is already a slosilo 2

Is it possible to change the username from e.g. host/ to to match the rest of conjur fully qualified ids

The signature algorithm is the same as in Slosilo v2. I suppose it could even be called v1 since there was only one version of the algorithm; or, maybe even better (shorter), to remove the version part altogether and just have

Regarding changing the usernames, Slosilo itself doesn't care about it, but it's definitely something that would be nice to change. If we keep the authorization protocol (ie. clients still submit host/foo) it should be transparent to the client. The changes would need to be done in conjur proper however (perhaps some in conjur-rack too, although AFAIR not).