
Still under development used in production somewhere?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I am interested in using this plugin but it is unclear if this is being maintained in some form or another.

Thank you!

hello !

the plugin is still in use on - you can go here to try it

it still works but not as seamlessly as it did before - before the login button was replaced with JOIN button that did this from the side panel - this broke in a peertube update but it still works if you go to the sign in page and then click the sign in with discourse


i plan on updating this very soon, was just waiting for peertube v6 to come out as i thought it might break again... but this is out now so hopfully i will find some time to update it in coming months :)

Awesome thank you so much! I'll be sure to look out for updates. Happy New Year!

@dubwoc just a heads up i pushed a new version of this plugin out today, fixing the issue with hide default signup

now when you are not logged in you will see JOIN button (instead on LOGIN/SIGN UP) which redirects to discourse auth directly:


Awesome, I will take on the task of updating peertube to v5 and give it a go! Thank you!