Large hex number parsed as "Infinity"
bboreham opened this issue · 0 comments
bboreham commented
Given this line as input:
level=event ts=2018-10-29T14:52:51.473589976Z msg="flush chunks" userID=11463 reason=2 numChunks=1 firstTime=1540821644.498 fp=524157e785101116 series="node_cpu{_weave_service=\"prom-node-exporter\",cpu=\"cpu5\",instance=\"\",job=\"kubernetes-pods\",kubernetes_namespace=\"weave\",kubernetes_pod_name=\"prom-node-exporter-c97bk\",mode=\"system\",node=\"gke-cluster-1\"}" queue=8
comes out as Infinity
. I suspect this is because it matches the float regexp, but when parsed as a float it is too big.
Is it possible to have the logfmt parser read this field as a string?