
No NuGet package for dotnet?

Closed this issue · 11 comments

Please publish this as a NuGet package.

Thanx, will do, I just need to familiarize myself with NuGet :)

Any update on this? :-)

I think this will have to wait until 1) the spec has become an RFC 2) I have added at least partial support for and

Do I understand correctly, that this is necessary for the signing part of your library only. The canonicalization is already finished and could be published as a Nuget package as is?

This is 100% correct.

What do you think of releasing only the canonicalization library as a NuGet package for now? I'd support you in doing so if you want me to.

The RFC is ready since 6 months ago but I don't have the time to deal with publishing at this stage. I also would like to rewrite the number translator to use the Ryu algorithm or investigate if the recent versions of .NET CORE maybe already is compliant. The previous releases were awfully slow.

Nice, what's the name of the NuGet package? :-)

Yeah, what is the name of the NuGet package? I am currently not able to find it at all. Is it even published?

@drauch @Andorr I must admit that I haven't had the time and motivation to turn this into a NuGet package. What steps are needed?