[High Priority] Create an XML file with listings of "server name" | "server steamcmd arguments" | "applicable configuration settings", populate that XML file with every supported gameserver, and host it on the apache webserver on a public read-only directory. Make the software download a local copy of this file everytime the BGM is launched, so the program always has the most up-to-date listing of servers and configuration data. Design a method that parses this XML file when you give it a server name that matches one of the entries in the XML file, and execute the given parameters associated with it.
cyberstrawberry101 opened this issue · 1 comments
cyberstrawberry101 commented
[High Priority] Create an XML file with listings of "server name" | "server steamcmd arguments" | "applicable configuration settings", populate that XML file with every supported gameserver, and host it on the apache webserver on a public read-only directory. Make the software download a local copy of this file everytime the BGM is launched, so the program always has the most up-to-date listing of servers and configuration data. Design a method that parses this XML file when you give it a server name that matches one of the entries in the XML file, and execute the given parameters associated with it.
cyberstrawberry101 commented