
Support MySQL 8.4

shunki-fujita opened this issue · 0 comments


support MySQL 8.4.0

From MySQL 8.0.22, the statements START SLAVE, STOP SLAVE, SHOW SLAVE STATUS, SHOW SLAVE HOSTS and RESET SLAVE are deprecated. The following aliases should be used instead:

From MySQL 8.0.23, the statement CHANGE MASTER TO is deprecated. The alias CHANGE REPLICATION SOURCE TO should be used instead. The parameters for the statement also have aliases that replace the term MASTER with the term SOURCE.

Incompatible Change: From MySQL 8.0.26, new aliases or replacement names are provided for most remaining identifiers that contain the terms “master”, which is changed to “source”;

End support for older versions.

The following are supported versions:

  • 8.0.28
  • 8.0.36
  • 8.0.37
  • 8.4.0