
Add ability to specify your own image address

Opened this issue · 3 comments


I'm deploying moco mysql in air gapped environment with container image proxy. Ideally I want to specify my own repository for images inside CRD.


Either allow overriding image or add new field to CRD imageRepository eg:
imageRepository: harbor.local/
turns image field into eg:


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Thank you for your comment.
You can specify the image addresses not in a MySQLCluster object but as options of moco-controller.
You can use --agent-image, --backup-image, --fluent-bit-image, and --mysql-exporter-image` options.
I hope this helps.

This is better than nothing, but ideally I don't want to specify the whole image url. I imagine tags will change often with helm chart updates prompting me to basically maintain these changes if done this way. Changing repository by itself would give me what I need without additional maintenance burden.

I agree that tags will change often and it would be good to keep track of version updates automatically. But I don't think we can provide a generalized feature in CRD to transform image name strings.
In your use case harbor.local/ is a user-given input and harbor.local/ is a desired result. Some may want to retrieve harbor.local/ Some may give harbor.local (without and want to get harbor.local/ The rule of string conversion would vary depending on the user.
It would be better to provide this type of feature in Helm charts. You could give harbor.local/ as an argument or you may need to combine strings by yourself before giving an argument harbor.local/ It depends on the design.