Sina Weibo Depression Dataset

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Sina Weibo Depression Dataset (SWDD)


  • SWDD contains normal user sampels and depressed user samples collected by a crawler using the crawling API provided by Sina Weibo.
  • The dataset is stored in the form of JsonLines, with depressed.jsonl for the depressed users and control.jsonl for none-depressed users. It can be download from Google Driver or Baidu Netdisk (Verification Code: gdq6)
  • As of Dec 31, 2021, the candidate samples collected by the crawler and the various information of the samples in SWDD are shown in the following table. Once new data is updated later, the statistics in this table will be updated.
Dataset Category User Tweet
Candidates Depressed 64,513 11,610,155
Non-depressed 31,085 5,144,688
Total 95,598 16,754,843
SWDD Depressed 3,711 785,689
Non-depressed 19,526 4,068,732
Total 23,237 4,854,421
  • The detailed information fields of user profile include:
Field Name Description Example
avatar_url Link of user avatar image https://tvax4.sinaimg.cn/crop.0.0.664.664.180/007VF8oFly8gbdxiv1hoyj30ig0igjrr.jpg?KID=imgbed,tva&Expires=1611228212&ssig=3MUKhB2a5q
cover_image_url Link of user cover image https://tva1.sinaimg.cn/crop.0.0.640.640.640/549d0121tw1egm1kjly3jj20hs0hsq4f.jpg
description A sentence of the user's self-introduction 锦鲤也拯救不了的女孩
follow_count The number of user followings. 26
followers_count The number of user followers. 11
gender User gender(f for female, m for male) f
screen_name User nickname 一条自由的海豚
tweet_count The number of all tweets 68
user_rank Liveness of user on Sina Weibo(Bigger number represents for more user activities on Sina Weibo) 3
verified If user has passed certain verification of Sina Weibo false
verified_reason The reason of why the user pass verification of Sina Weibo -
vip_rank Vip rank of user on Sina Weibo 1
private_tweet_count The number of tweets that can only be seen by the user itself 0
  • The detailed information fields of tweet include:
Field Name Description Example
id Tweet id of user 4466236706001635
comments_count The number of comments 2
edit_at Last modified time of the tweet -
edit_count Modification times of the tweet 0
is_long_text Whether the tweet is a long tweet (Judged by Sina Weibo offical) true
is_origin Whether the tweet is written by user itself true
pics_url Links of pictures in the tweet content (delimited by comma) -
post_time The posting time of the tweet (weekday month day hour:minute:second timezone year) Thu Jan 30 01:01:11 +0800 2020
publish_place The current place of user when posting the tweet -
publish_tool Use what kind of device to post the tweet or Under what supertopic the user post the tweet vivo Y3 闪充强续航
reposts_count Reposting times of the tweet 0
text Text content of tweet (raw html, including emotion icons, mentions, topic of the tweet classified by Sina Weibo) 该怎么说,许多人都说抑郁症就像感冒发烧可能熬过去了就会好了,也有许多人说是你自己想得太多,这都是屁话。许多人都不会理解我们,深夜痛苦得要死,被全身疼痛折磨,它是不是病就得看自己了,因为它无时无刻都存在,就像沼泽一样越陷越深,我尝试过如何摆脱它,但是我输了,它是不会走的。就像没有灵魂的空壳,没有了快乐,感受不到外界的爱,活在自己的世界里,想要的就只是解脱。 <a data-url="http://t.cn/AiD3iByL\" href="https://weibo.com/p/2313474450604943540609?\" data-hide=""><span class="surl-text">你了解抑郁症吗 知道抑郁症是一种病吗?
thumb_ups_count The number of people favor the tweet 1
video_url Link of video in the tweet -
article_url Link of front page headline in the tweet -
topics Topics of the tweet (classified by Sina Weibo, delimited by comma) -
at_users Mention of users of Sina Weibo (delimited by comma) -
  • The detailed information fields of symptoms(labeled by us) include:
Field Name Description Example
self_reported If the user directly self-report of suffering from depression false
interest_loss If the user show signs of Nothing can raise its interest in tweet false
pleasure_loss If the user show signs of Feel no pleasure in normally enjoyable activities in tweet true
energy_loss If the user show signs of Get tired easily in tweet true
sadness If the user show signs of Feel sad without any reason in tweet false
sympathetic arousal If the user describes ofPalpitation, chest distress, etc. in tweet false
concentration problem If the user describes of Can hardly concentract on most things in tweet false
panic If the user show signs of Feel terrified without any reason in tweet false
appetite_problem If the user describes of Frequently have nausea and vomiting false
insomnia If the user describes of Have insomnia or have big portion of tweet posted during 0 am and 6 am true
anxious If the user describes of Often feel anxious in tweet false
self_blame If the user show signs of Low self-esteem, or lay the blame for every wrongs to himself in tweet true
retardation If the user describes of Feel slow on the draw in tweet false
suicidal ideation If the user describes of Self-harm or thought of death or post pictures of self-harm in tweet true
weight_problem If the user describes of Lose weight or gain weight in a short time in tweet false
agitation If the user describes of Easy to get angry in tweet false
hypersomnia If the user describes of Feel sleepy at daytime and feel hard to get up false

Explanations and Issues

  • In order to protect the privacy of depressed users, we have deleted the user IDs in SWDD.

  • The depressed user is labeled in our self-implemented web-system based on a set of labeling criteria proposed by us. We have uploaded the annotation system to DepressionAnnotator Repo

  • We have uploaded the crawler script to SinaWeiboCrawler Repo. Researchers can further collect user samples based on our scripts.

  • We don't clean the text content of tweet in the dataset, for we think emotion icons, mentions, topic of the tweet may be useful for feature extraction. **Instead, We have offered the scripts for data preprocessing ** in the folder SWDD_preprocessing, you can use our scripts for data cleaning or write your own scripts. An example of our clean_text.py is shown below:

    • raw html of a tweet in the dataset

      该怎么说,许多人都说抑郁症就像感冒发烧可能熬过去了就会好了,也有许多人说是你自己想得太多,这都是屁话。许多人都不会理解我们,深夜痛苦得要死,被全身疼痛折磨,它是不是病就得看自己了,因为它无时无刻都存在,就像沼泽一样越陷越深,我尝试过如何摆脱它,但是我输了,它是不会走的。就像没有灵魂的空壳,没有了快乐,感受不到外界的爱,活在自己的世界里,想要的就只是解脱。 <a data-url=\"http://t.cn/AiD3iByL\" href=\"https://weibo.com/p/2313474450604943540609?\" data-hide=\"\"><span class='url-icon'><img style='width: 1rem;height: 1rem' src='https://h5.sinaimg.cn/upload/2016/11/23/433/wenda_icon_default.png'></span><span class=\"surl-text\">你了解抑郁症吗   知道抑郁症是一种病吗?</span></a>
    • after cleaning using get_raw_text

    • after cleaning using get_cleaned_text

      该怎么说 许多人都说抑郁症就像感冒发烧可能熬过去了就会好了 也有许多人说是你自己想得太多 这都是屁话 许多人都不会理解我们 深夜痛苦得要死 被全身疼痛折磨 它是不是病就得看自己了 因为它无时无刻都存在 就像沼泽一样越陷越深 我尝试过如何摆脱它 但是我输了 它是不会走的 就像没有灵魂的空壳 没有了快乐 感受不到外界的爱 活在自己的世界里 想要的就只是解脱 你了解抑郁症吗 知道抑郁症是一种病吗
  • If encoding='utf-8' doesn't work, try: encoding='utf-8-sig' when using Python to load the Jsonl file.

  • Other issues will be updated soon...


  title={Depression detection on online social network with multivariate time series feature of user depressive symptoms},
  author={Cai, Yicheng and Wang, Haizhou and Ye, Huali and Jin, Yanwen and Gao, Wei},
  journal={Expert Systems with Applications},
  volume = {217},