
Play/Pause buttons don't work

stellamarkop opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello! My issue is that I cannot play or pause the video when clicking on the canvas as seen on the demo. I have followed the documentation and I have managed to build my own buttons for this functionality, but it would be great to use the build in way similar to the demo. This is my code. Am I missing something?

this.player = new JSMpeg.VideoElement( this.streamingcanvas.nativeElement, myurl, {
    autoplay: true,
    loop: true,
    audio: true,
    control: true,
    hooks: {
      play: () => console.log('onPlay'),
      pause: () => console.log('onPause'),
      stop: () => console.log('onStop'),
      load: () => console.log('onSourceEstablished')
    } } )

(In the 'control' I have tried setting in to true and false but I doesn't work.)
Thank you in advance!

the hooks don't control the video but are listeners to whenever one of those events are triggered, if you see in the docs

`JSMpeg.VideoElement instance supports the following methods:

play(): Start playback
pause(): Pause playback
stop(): Stop playback and seek to the beginning
destroy(): Stop playback and empty video wrapper`

those are the methods to control the video