
๐Ÿ› ManyToMany id typecast gets wrong id

gam6itko opened this issue ยท 1 comments

No duplicates ๐Ÿฅฒ.

  • I have searched for a similar issue in our bug tracker and didn't find any solutions.

What happened?

After update to 2.3.3 I've got ManyToMany Relation bug. It pass to my custom UuidTypecaster id of Post but not File.

The problem appeared after this changes c7edd6b#diff-e299fc705879bf607db737052f5877933b57a8f09771af24ccad1ff70ea3ad9a

#[Cycle\Entity(table: 'post')]
class Post {
     * @var File[]
    #[Cycle\Relation\ManyToMany(target: File::class, though: PostScreenshot::class, throughInnerKey: 'post_id')]
    private array $screenshots = [];

#[Cycle\Entity(table: 'post_screenshot')]
class PostScreenshot
    #[Cycle\Column(type: 'primary', unsigned: true)]
    private ?int $id = null;

    table: 'file',
    typecast: [
class File
    #[Cycle\Column(type: 'string(36)', primary: true, typecast: 'uuid')]
    private UuidInterface $id;

final class UuidTypecast extends AbstractTypecast
    protected function getType(): string
        return 'uuid';

    protected function fromDbValue(mixed $value): mixed
        return Uuid::fromString($value);

    protected function toDbValue(mixed $value): mixed
        assert($value instanceof UuidInterface); // bug here
        return $value->toString();


ORM 2.3.3
PHP 8.1

Will be fixed in ORM 2.3.4 or 2.4.0