
keyboard driver and a more declarative RN.

aronallen opened this issue · 2 comments

Working with React Native, I find the most terrible thing that you don't have direct control of the keyboard.
It could be cool with a declarative Keyboard driver, where one could attach toolbar elements, etc. It would be hard to handle in pure React Native, since there is really only 'one' driver (the vdom). But Cycle's architecture could handle having a View driver, and a Keyboard driver. Further more it could be cool to have a more purely declarative View driver, something akin to snabdomm for native. Then we can't piggyback on React Native, but I honestly don't find RN declarative enough. I imagine making our own bindings would be quite an undertaking, but it seems the driver architecture of Cycle is much better suited abstraction for native development, especially because there are multiple views (virtual keyboard, vdom). Any input on these ideas?

Totally agree on this. For instance that's exactly what happens in this example:
There is still View and Intent, but one has absolutely nothing to do with the other.

the difference being that a native keyboard driver would expect a source of keyboard declaration, and emit a stream of keyboard actions.