
-hashplain doesn't keep hex state

PenguinKeeper7 opened this issue · 4 comments

-hashplain forgets original plain/doesn't re-$HEX plains that need it

$ echo '$HEX[613A62]' | ./hashgen.exe -m ntlm -hashplain

Printing hash:plaintext when calling -hashplain was purposeful during dev, but I agree that having an option to print hash:HEX would be useful.

It was more that I wanted it to be the same as the input instead of converting it and outputting a "different" plain as what I specified, idm either solution. Notice what string I echoed and what hashgen printed

Gotcha, you're referring to -hashplain being encoding-agnostic so that it's wordlist string-in, wordlist string-out.

$ echo '$HEX[70617373776f7264]' | ./hashgen.bin -m ntlm -hashplain
$ echo 'password' | ./hashgen.bin -m ntlm -hashplain

Feature added.
v2023-09-28.1730-hashplain; modify -hashplain flag to be encoding-agnostic