
cycleway:right=separate not rendered

Closed this issue · 1 comments


This is my first post in github, so i hope it will be useful.

In my city (, some users tagged a bike lane with those tags :


The problem is : Cyclosm doesn't render it.

Is it a bad way to tag this path? (Looking at, it looks correct).

Or is it something missing in the list of tags processed by CyclOSM?

Thank you !


cycleway:right=separate means that there is a separately mapped cycleway on the right side of the way: it's mostly used as a hint for routing engines, there's no specific rendering expected.
In your case, I don't see any separate way: that's the missing part for a correct rendering.

If you don't want to map a separate way, use cycleway:right=lane for a reserved lane on the road, or cycleway:right=track for a physically separated track next to the road.

If the separately mapped cycleway is mandatory-use (blue round B22a traffic sign at the beginning), the main highway should be mapped with bicycle[:forward/backward]=use_sidepath