
Proposal: show bicycle roads in CyclOSM Lite

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I very much like of CyclOSM Lite which can be put as an additional layer on top of other maps!

Bicycle roads (bicycle_road=yes) are a very useful element in cycling infrastructure, most of the time it's better, safer and nicer to go than, for example, a cycling lane at the edge of a primary road. I would therefore suggest that they are added to CyclOSM Lite similarly like they are shown on "proper" CyclOSM.

Phyks commented

CyclOSM lite was set up quickly after covid outbreak and the need to display cycling overlays on many different maps. CyclOSM developer community is quite small and CyclOSM-lite is basically unmaintained at the moment. It is diverging more and more with current CyclOSM render and is mostly to be considered legacy from a user perspective.

Therefore, I'm closing this one. However, if anyone is willing to make a PR onto the lite branch to add support for rendering bicycle_road=yes, I'll happily merge it.